Neurological Implications in the Treatment of Myopia by Mean | 46106


ISSN - 2155-9562


Neurological Implications in the Treatment of Myopia by Means of Orthoculogy

John William Yee

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is not just a physical deviation of the eye; there is also a neurological deviation. The
incorrect neuromuscular message is sent for distant focusing because the visual cortex interprets the myopic eye to
be in near focus mode. When an effort is made to bring a distant object into focus, the crystalline lens will tend to
“bulge” instead of becoming “flat”, and the eye will tend to elongate instead of remaining spherical. The visual cortex
partially or completely overwrites the information received by depth perception: that the object is far away.
The culprit behind this misinterpretation is the spasm of the oblique muscles. How much the neurosensory
information is altered depends on the tension of the oblique muscles. If those muscles are partial tight, the visual
cortex would send a partially revised neuromotor message; and if those muscles become tighter, the correct
neuromotor message for distant focusing would be further revised in favour of near focusing. The premise was
demonstrated by applying orthoculogy to treat over 300 patients with myopia. Orthoculogy (or Ortho C) relaxes the
oblique muscles to reset the curvature of the crystalline lens and sclera.
The following are some indications to demonstrate that the reinstatement of the correct neuromotor message can
reverse the effects of myopia:
The ability of ortho C to treat myopia without direct physical manipulation of the refractive mediums: the
crystalline lens, the sclera, or the cornea.
The ability of the visual cortex to discriminate the different treatment options after an ortho C lens just relaxes the
oblique muscles.
The time it takes to restore the mild or moderate myopic eye to its premyopic shape if the intraocular or
extraocular muscles are not compromised: in about 2 minutes.